Deity and history
About Togo Jinja
Togo jinja worships Togo Heihachiro Mikoto. He is revered by various generations as the god of “Sincerity”, “Victory”, “Fortune”, and “Relationship”.
This jinja was built by the wishes and property of the people to leave his honor and virtue “Sincerity reaches the god” to posterity. Many people visit our Jinja from all over the world as well as Japan.
History of
Togo Jinja
History of Togo Jinja
He is respected by people not only in Japan but all over the world.
Our Jinja was erected thanks to the voice
of nation and their donation.
In 1934(Showa 9), after Togo Heihachiro Mikoto lived out his life, to hand down his virtue “the sanctity reaches God” to posterity, many people from every region of our country donated and requested of the department of Navy that he should be enshrined. To respond to this demand, Osumi, the Minister of the Navy, established Togo Gensui Kinenkai Foundation and erected our jinja by the donation from nation.
Peace in this world and God of victory.
Togo Jinja hands down the history of his achievement of victory of Russo-Japanese War to later generation, wishes for peace in this world and protects many spirits of the dead. And Togo Jinja gives the charm”勝札(victory bill)”named after “勝(victory)” from his autograph, which is associated with his famous speech at the dismissal ceremony of the Combined fleet, “God confer a crown of the victory on people who continue to make efforts of dairy practice so that they conquer without firing a shot, at the same time, we should not be relieved after winning. An old saying goes that tighten the strings of your helmet after winning.”
Life of
Life of Togo Heihachiro Mikoto
さらに、日露戦争では聯合艦隊司令長官として司令官隊を指揮し、日本海海戦に際し旗艦「三笠」艦上に「皇国の興廃此の一戦に在り、各員一層奮励努力せよ」とのZ旗を掲げ、見事ロシアのバルチック艦隊を撃滅して世界の海戦史上空前絶後の完全な勝利を成し遂げられました。 この大勝は、わが国を国難から救っただけではなく、当時ロシア等大国の植民地政策の圧力下にあった国々に、大きな喜びと希望を与えました。
The deity of Togo Heihachiro Mikoto was born as fourth son of Feudal retainer of Satsuma Domain,Togo Kichizaemon at December 22th in 1847.
In the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate, he entered the Navy in Satsuma Domain when he was 19 years old. Then he engaged in naval battles that broke out around the start of Meiji Restoration. In 1871, when he is 24 years old, he studied abroad in England and tolerated rugged training for 7 years. Finally, he acquired the knowledge and the technology of a sailor. Upon returning to Japan, he became a great Japanese naval officer. Due to continuing to study strategy and international laws, Togo made great achievements as captain of the “Naniwa (protected cruiser) dealing with the U.S’ annexation of Hawaii and the complicated problems of Rosso-Japanese war, then the name of Togo has become famous all over the world.
Furthermore, when he participated in Rosso-Japanese War as the commander of Combined fleet, He inspired morale to the entire fleet and said “the Empire’s fate depends on this battle. Let every man do his utmost duty” then ordered the hoisting of the Z flag on Mikasa warship.
Eventually, he made ultimately destroyed the Russian Baltic Fleet in the Japan. This great victory not only save Japan but also gave hope and pleasure to Japanese people.
At the beginning of Taisho period, he attended the Supreme Military Council later he played an important role of educating the Emperor Showa as the president of Togu School (a school to educate the crown prince) from 1914 to 1921.
He sincerely served to three successive emperors (the Emperor Meiji, Taisho, Showa). Togo were respected by not only in Japan but also all over the world as the hero ”Adm Togo”, a man of sincerity. When he was 88 years old, he lived out his life as the world-famous Japanese hero at Sanban-cho, Kojimachi, Tokyo at 7 am on May 30th in 1934.